January 31, 2005

<大禮大同之行>抵達大禮 Taroko trip: Arriving Dali

When we arrived Dali, it started to rain harder. If we followed the original plan to camp in the wild, the “results” would be terrifying… There was a dismissed church in the village. It was converted into an aboriginal household. The open area beside the church was where we planned to camp. Terrified by the weather condition, though the owner of the place was not there, we still tried to get indoor for a better place to stay overnight. Posted by Hello

<大禮大同之行>都市人的體能 Taroko trip: Unprepared!!

I asked one of the guides, how much time does it take to get to Dali? The answer I got is a bit more than two hours. The facts are, despite the bad weather, our physical condition wasn’t prepared enough to face such trip. It took us three and half hours to get to Dali… Posted by Hello

January 28, 2005

<大禮大同之行>途中 Taroko trip: On the way

Tiny rain all along the way…the muddy road added more difficulty to the trip. The road condition is worse than I’ve imagined. Apart from the slippery condition, there’re sometimes fallen trees cutting the path that we just had to take off the backpack to climb over one by one. It was quite a funny feeling for me. I rarely had to face such condition during the hiking trips I’ve been to before, because they’re all smooth walking paths along the asphalted road. It’s only because I wanted something different this time that I trapped myself in such situation. I was feeling funny but excited.
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<大禮大同之行>初學者行程? Taroko trip: A beginner’s trip?

Right after we departed, we’re facing with the steep stairs of more than 300 meters. I was shocked when I saw it. Stairs are never my favorite, and it was the first challenge we had to face. We’re not even to the half and I just had to stop for a break. The speed of our guides was just astonishingly fast, and I started to get scared of the following trip. Didn’t they tell me that it’s supposed to be a trip for beginners?
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January 27, 2005

<大禮大同之行>起點 Taroko trip: Starting point

We headed toward the administrative center of the Taroko National Park. I was just wondering when we’d arrive the starting point, the car stopped… “Get off the car. We’re arrived!” The car stopped at the side of the mountain drive. Among the greens, there’s a tiny little stairs leading upward. “We’ll walk up from here.”

There’s a small sign beside the stairs, “Way to Dali Datong, 15 km”. I didn’t bother to point it to other Italians. It was raining, and they didn’t seem to be too happy already…
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<大禮大同之行>準備出發 Taroko trip: Preparation

All right!! I admit that I got these Italians onto the hiking trip with a trick. Before we left for the trip, I only told them that “we’re going to the mountain for a walk” and they actually had no idea what to expect.

The night we arrived Hualien, it started to rain. To be honest, I was worried. After all, it’s been years since my last hiking, and I don’t actually do any exercise when I am in Italy… I was worried if I could handle the trip physically. However, the desire to go was stronger than my worries. Even though the weather condition wasn’t that ideal for such trip, we still decided to leave as planned.

The next morning, we arrived the gathering point on time. We picked up the backpack the night before and brought them back to the hotel, and all the personal needs/belongings were already put into the backpack. We then arranged to put inside the sleeping bag, pad and some shared goods. My backpack weighed at least 15 kilos, if not more.
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January 24, 2005

好一個welcome home!

飛機要降落威尼斯的時候, 我就納悶了很久, 怎麼外面一直是白茫茫一片, 看不到威尼斯, 結果看到陸地以後沒幾秒鐘, 飛機就已經著了地,霧真的是大到不行... 機場冷冷清清, 因為大霧而取消的飛機大概不少, 只看到一條行李運轉帶在跑... 就是我們的那條,不過沒有人的狀況下, 竟然也等了將近一個小時才拿到行李, 由此可見義大利人的效率...

上了高速公路, 中間在休息站停下來喝點東西, 看到天上開始飄下白白的雪花, 越下越大, 短期間好像也沒有停的意思, 等到我們回到家,地上積雪大概已經有五六公分了.空空如也的冰箱, 加上下雪不停, 連要出門去買點吃的都不可能, 晚上只好到家附近的比薩店簡單解決, 晚上大概八點左右, 雪已經漸漸停了,短短四五個小時也下了超過二十公分的雪...

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January 14, 2005

Something about my life in Italy: Risotto di Zucca暖暖的南瓜燉飯







1. 將大蒜和紅蔥頭切薄片,南瓜則切成小塊。
2. 以中火,在深鍋裡加熱橄欖油,加入大蒜和紅蔥頭炒香,在顏色開始焦黃之際加入一茶匙蘋果醋或白酒醋,等待醋蒸發以後,加入南瓜扮炒大約八至十分鐘左右至熟。
3. 在進行步驟2時,也在旁邊準備沸騰的高湯,隨時在爐上待命,倘若南瓜炒得有點乾則加入一點高湯,不過以「維持糊狀」為原則。
4. 待南瓜熟了以後,以手持式攪拌器將南瓜塊打成泥狀,加入鹽調味,再加入米。持續攪拌,讓米在南瓜泥內煮上幾分鐘,待米開始吸收南瓜泥中的水分時,開始酌量加入高湯,維持鍋中足夠的水分,持續扮煮至米九分熟。如果太甜,可酌量加入蘋果醋調味。
5. 加入一匙奶油,至奶油融化以後熄火,蓋上鍋蓋悶煮一至兩分鐘,便可上桌。

註五:Buon Appetito!

燉飯的做法其實大同小異,只要掌握訣竅以後,材料上就可以自己變化囉!Posted by Hello